
Love, The Sweetest of Rhymes

The sixth in a new series of poems on love and longing.  Love can make the heart sing.  It can also feel like the sweetest of rhymes.

I don’t want to know
If this will last all my life.
For now, I will stay lost in it,
Even if only for a while.

For, in this time,
I will live a thousand lives.
For, in this time,
Even if I die a thousand times,
I would still have felt,
In every single cell,
A joy, an ecstasy,
Better than any dream or fantasy,
When the world feels bright and nice,
All beings appear devoid of vice,
Every blossoming flower, felt in my heart,
All aspects of nature, appreciated as art.

Even if only for a while,
I will live a thousand lives
And carry in my heart, ’til my time,
The love that I feel,
The sweetest of rhymes.


‘Srika’ (Dr B Srikanth) is an orthopedic surgeon, singer, songwriter, and a self-taught musician.  He lives in London with his wife and two children.

Image courtesy of Nisha A. via Creative Commons.


Editor’s note:

For other poems by Srika, read: Cupid’s ArrowLove at First SightAah, Dear MaidenThe Path of LoveThe Writing of a Love Letter, and When Time Stands Still.



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