How does one know how they should go about choosing a partner? How do you know what qualities to look for in a partner…to know they are the right one?

See below to see the eight things to look for in the right partner.
- Honesty: Lies, big or small, are what a foundation of trust is built on. If they’re not honest, trust is hard to build, and will strain on your relationship. Look for someone who is honest about their thoughts, feelings, and actions makes for a right partner.
- Respectful: Mutual respect is easily one of the top needs of a healthy relationship. See how they treat people around them, especially in situations of social imbalance. Also take care to notice how respectful they are of your boundaries and beliefs.
- Emotional Maturity: Emotional maturity does not mean that the person has no emotional baggage, because everyone does. They should rather be self-aware and know not to dump their baggage on you. They should be open to reflecting and changing for the better. They should not expect you to be the person responsible for their happiness and well-being.
- Reliability: Your right partner keeps their promises, and stick to their words. And they try their best to communicate with you.
- Compatibility: This doesn’t mean they share and each and every interest you have, but that on the broader level, you have similar value systems and beliefs.
- Sense of humor: They should know when to be serious and when make light of situations, but more importantly they should be able to make you smile.
- They make time for you: They should value you and your relationship and strive to spend quality time in balance with their other personal and professional commitments.
- You both like each other: Without this, no matter how good a person they are, they are not your right partner.
Remember, this is not a perfect list, and not everyone has all these qualities. Human sensibilities and interactions depend on much more, and they constantly change. The important thing is that at least some of these should be true. And they are willing to work on making the others come true. Both of you should be committed to that.
Editor’s note:
If you want to make sure that you are indeed ready for a thriving relationship, read this article on “When do you know you are ready for a relationship?”